It has been great to have Jan in the team as interim manager working on some key projects. Jan approaches challenges and business issues with a positive and open mind. He uses this strength to engage the organisation behind his ideas in order to successfully move and steer projects in the right way. Jan is great at combining strategic thinking, finding creative solutions and a ‘can do mentality’. This makes him suitable for a wide range of projects. For Arla he has worked various Arla Bio projects. He worked on the analysis of the problem, the strategic approach on how to win and the creative solutions to actually achieve what the strategy had set out. Jan remains cool in times of pressure and remains very positive and collaborative. He therefore is not just a great interim manager but also in short time a valuable member of the team. I can recommend Jan for many tasks where your business is stuck and needs new energy or where you have some ideas but need someone to bring it to the market. Jan will prove his worth in a very short period of time.
Elise Bijkerk (Arla Foods Deutschland GmbH, Senior Director Milk & Yogurt Category)
When I expanded my pizza delivery business of 10 stores to Germany, I was very happy to find Jan to help me to establish my business with the right communication in this country – fast, effective and very creative. I didn’t expect so many small differences to the Dutch market, but Jan quickly gave me a big bunch of relevant insights. I was surprised how much fun it can be to work successfully with Germans. He is the most Dutch German that I have ever seen.
Gijs van de Wiel (Dice Brands (Breda, Tilburg e.o./ NL), owner)
Jan hat über RAU | INTERIM äußerst erfolgreich ein Interim Projekt bei einem unserer großen FMCG-Kunden bearbeitet. Das war die Arbeit einer „Interim-Top-Gun“! Er ist nicht nur fachlich klasse, sondern – fast noch wichtiger – eine Persönlichkeit. Ein Schnellstarter, unverzüglich auf Betriebstemperatur, innovativ und querdenkend, operativ und strategisch gleichsam stark, humorvoll, resilient, „open minded und open hearted“, kreativ, schnell, diszipliniert. Ohne hidden agenda! Ein feiner Kerl, den ich sehr mag.
Thomas Schulz (RAU | INTERIM, Inhaber und Geschäftsführer)
Jan Hertzberg hat für uns eine Status-Analyse für die Marke durchgeführt. In kürzester Zeit hat er mit gut strukturierten
Interviews einen überraschend persönlichen Draht zum Team entwickelt und noch schneller seine Analyse präsentiert. Ich war begeistert von dem frischen Blick auf die Dinge und den greifbaren
Ergebnissen, mit denen wir direkt arbeiten konnten. Gute Arbeit!
Christian H. (Geschäftsführer, Non-Food-Firma, Bayern)